Yesterday I touched on the importance of single-mindedness and focus in achieving our goals. Continuing with this theme, my goal (through publishing this blog) is to make yoga more accessible to real people - that is, people like you and me, who lead busy lives, work hard, play hard, raise families, care for others, people who never have time for themselves - and to allay any fears that yoga is only about achieving awkward or impossible poses, is all about chanting and incense burning, or can only be practised in a class etc, etc. Of course, it could be all of those things, but only if you let your ego kick in and we're not going to talk about that right now!
Today, I thought I'd show you a short yoga sequence. By concentrating on the breath to create movement, and by adding a few additional (basic) postures, your yoga practice can become more flowing and, hence, more meaningful. Thus, by adding some "vinyasa flow" to your day, you become one step closer to attaining your goals, with intent.
As I said before, don't worry if you cannot do all the postures perfectly (I certainly can't), I will be breaking them down into "bite size" chunks at a later date. For now, accept this as part of the journey (it's approx 13 minutes long) and see how practising a short routine each day can slowly increase overall strength and stamina and prevent stiffness and rigidity from setting in, both physically and mentally.
I hope you enjoy it (the cat seemed to!). If there is anything you are uncertain of, then please don't hesitate to drop me a line in the comments box below. Equally, if you'd like to see more or less of certain things, let me know. Remember, this is a learning curve for me too and, without your input, I can't improve and you won't be motivated to continue!
If you are unable to see the video from this post, please click on the link below:
I will leave you with this short quote from Vivekananda:
Concentration will bring perfect repose to mind and body every time it is practised.
Today, I thought I'd show you a short yoga sequence. By concentrating on the breath to create movement, and by adding a few additional (basic) postures, your yoga practice can become more flowing and, hence, more meaningful. Thus, by adding some "vinyasa flow" to your day, you become one step closer to attaining your goals, with intent.
As I said before, don't worry if you cannot do all the postures perfectly (I certainly can't), I will be breaking them down into "bite size" chunks at a later date. For now, accept this as part of the journey (it's approx 13 minutes long) and see how practising a short routine each day can slowly increase overall strength and stamina and prevent stiffness and rigidity from setting in, both physically and mentally.
I hope you enjoy it (the cat seemed to!). If there is anything you are uncertain of, then please don't hesitate to drop me a line in the comments box below. Equally, if you'd like to see more or less of certain things, let me know. Remember, this is a learning curve for me too and, without your input, I can't improve and you won't be motivated to continue!
If you are unable to see the video from this post, please click on the link below:
I will leave you with this short quote from Vivekananda:
Concentration will bring perfect repose to mind and body every time it is practised.
This has really inspired me to learn some poses and fit a short routine into my day!