
Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Is your clutter holding you back?

I awoke this morning with last night's Ceroc (modern jive dance, for the uninitiated) music still buzzing around my brain - such an uplifting and motivating experience, and one I shall no doubt weave into my blog at some stage - but my thoughts went immediately to my wardrobe.  

In a couple of weeks' time it will be the Winter Wonderland Ball and, if I go (decision still to be made), I'm seriously short of suitable attire.  That is to say, outfits that one can dance in a) without getting too hot and sweaty (nice) and b) without treating all and sundry to a display of Bridget Jones' knickers whilst doing a twirl (ooo-err).  But how to find comfort and respectability, plus glamour, all in one outfit?

So, I sprang out of bed (not) and threw open the wardrobe doors, to be faced with trillions of outfits now gathering dust, and not one of them suitable.  Oh dear, Cinderella won't be going to the Ball after all.  

Yet, is this a good enough reason not to attend?  Well, that's my dilemma and not one I need bore you with.  However, whilst launching into my clothing cull, I did start thinking about the implication behind my apparent need to keep ahold of "stuff" that is now so obviously redundant.

Last week my blog posting Be kind to yourself referred to some of the philosophy behind yoga.  

The relevance here is another of the teachings: Non-hoarding/Non-collecting (Aparigraha in sanskrit, see Yamas on left of chart below).

Through our yoga practice we begin to trust that by releasing the "things" that no longer serve us (whether it's a wardrobe full of clothes, a desk full of papers, a mind full of limiting thoughts, even relationships that have outlived their meaningfulness), we can make space to allow our true potential, creative or otherwise, to flourish.

Obviously, I've still got a way to go viz wardrobe clutter, but I cannot begin to tell you how much I've let go of since my yoga journey began.  For example, several years ago, there is no way on this earth that I would have recorded myself attempting to teach yoga, far from perfectly, then making it public, at the very possible risk of receiving negative feedback.  

Anyway, here I am, and the video below is a follow-up from yesterday's sequence, giving a more in-depth explanation of some basic standing and seated yoga postures.  

If you are having difficulties viewing the video from this posting, click the following link:

NB, hurry to view - I've been notified that the material contains "matched third party content", i.e. background music, so I may have to delete it at some point.  In the meantime, I heartily thank the musicians/artists whose music beautifully complements my teaching attempts :)

Meanwhile, have fun de-cluttering (it's such a good feeling), let go of things that no longer serve you to make way for new, creative potential and, remind me, never wear that top (to demonstrate yoga) again!

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