
Tuesday, 12 November 2013

It's not just for writers....

Welcome, if you are joining me on my blogging adventures for the first time, and a hearty welcome back if you accompanied me on my travels a couple of years ago (

I'm very excited about this new blog.  Whilst it's written with Writers in mind (being a Wannabe Writer myself), it's also going to be useful for everyone who has a sedentary lifestyle, whether it be stuck in front of a computer screen, behind the steering wheel, or anyone wishing to add another dimension to their daily routine and get things moving.

The aim is to provide stimulation to keep that creativity flowing, whether it be mental, emotional, spiritual and physical.  BUT, don't think I'm just going to dish out the orders, oh no!  I'm very good at motivating others, but not always so good at motivating myself.  So, it's my particular desire that this will be a TWO-WAY street.  I hope that you and I can share tips and ideas to spur each other on and, together, achieve our highest creative hopes and dreams.

I'll be posting simple suggestions that won't take long to carry out, but might make all the difference to your daily routine.  Look out for the daily yoga pose, recipes that nurture, words for the soul, songs that inspire, pictures and videos to make your smile, plus a whole lot more.

As I said once before, it's not just about reaching your destination, but making the most of the journey..... I hope you will join me on mine.

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